为了探讨我市6个柑桔主要栽培品种的果实贮藏效应,给贮藏保鲜提供依据,我站于1981~1982年,1982~1983年进行了塑料薄膜单果包装和3号虫胶涂果保鲜试验。现将两年试验情况总结如下: 一、试验材料与方法 (一)供试品种:温州蜜柑、雪柑、芦柑、福桔、南丰蜜桔、本地早。 (二)品种产地与采摘时间:1981年供试的果实,温蜜11月26日采自陈大茶果场,本地
In order to explore the fruit storage effect of six citrus cultivars in our city and provide a basis for storage and preservation, I carried out the plastic film single package and the No.3 shellac coating preservation experiment from 1981 to 1982 and from 1982 to 1983. Now two years of test conditions are summarized as follows: First, the test materials and methods (A) the test varieties: Wenzhou Satsuma, Citrus, Citrus, orange, Nanfeng orange, local early. (B) the origin of the species and picking time: the fruit for the 1981 test, Wen honey collected on November 26 from the tea market, Chen local