本人愿向诸君推荐一种新的嫁接方法——“水插靠接法”,各位不妨一试。“水插靠接法”不受常规靠接法的条件限制,其成活率虽同于一般靠接法,却更为方便可行。具体方法如下: 取长约20—25厘米、直径同于砧木的枝条(也可按实际需要截
I would like to recommend a new method of grafting to the ladies - “water docking docking”, you may wish to give it a try. “Water plug connection method” is not subject to the conditions of the conventional docking method, although its survival rate with the general approach, but more convenient and feasible. Specific methods are as follows: Take about 20-25 cm in diameter with the branches of the rootstock (also can be cut according to the actual needs