大森林里,俊伟的麋鹿正在小湖边照镜子。看到自己象鹿角珊瑚一样的巨角,在水中映出美丽的倒影,他不禁沾沾自喜。一只长尾猴在树枝上跳跃。麋鹿看见了,嘲笑他说:“喂,看你那光秃秃的长尾巴,真难看!我这副无与伦比的鹿角,欣赏吗?” 长尾猴先不答话,只是用尾巴卷在树枝上,身子朝前一纵,就把另一棵树上的桃子摘到了手。“怎么样?”长尾猴自豪地说,“我的尾巴虽不美,但很有用,它可不是累赘呵!”
In the big forest, Jun Wei elk is looking in the mirror in the small lake. He could not help but feel grateful to see himself as a giant angle of antler coral, reflected in the water beautiful reflection. A primate monkey leaps on a branch. Elk saw it and laughed at him: “Hey, look at your bare, long tail, ugly! My unparalleled antlers, enjoy?” “The long-tailed monkey does not answer, just tucked it up on the branch with its body Longitudinal forward, put the other peach tree picked off his hand. ”How about? “ Long tail monkey proud to say, ”My tail is not beautiful, but very useful, it is not cumbersome Oh! "