
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiyouyou
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行政干部做职工思想政治工作的先天优势是由行政干部的工作对象、内容和工作地位决定的,行政干部在企业管理体制中居中心地位,分管着企业的中心工作,操作着劳动者的组合和管理.因此,作为生产力因素中的职工群众在生产力和生产关系诸方面产生的矛盾,行政干部最具有开展工作的权威,这个权威就是做好职工思想政治工作的优势,主要表现为“四最”:一是最易于发现问题.职工中的思想问题可谓方方面面,但与工作有关的往往最多、最重要、也最难解决,这正产生于行政工作范围;再就是按照人的心理活动规律,一个人的思想情绪往往通过自己的言行自觉不自觉地表现出来,而职工的工作岗位为其表现提供了机会和场所,行政干部掌握职工工作期间的活动过程,处在最前沿,自然最易于发现.二是最易于了解原因.职工在事业、工作方面产生的思想问题,多属行政管理范围,往往在工作中表现出来,使得行政干部最易于了解情况,弄清真谛.三是最易于解决和协调.行政 Administrative cadres do ideological and political work of workers and staff members of the inherent advantages of the administrative cadres by the work object, content and job status of the decision, the executive cadres in the enterprise management system in the center, in charge of the central work of the enterprise, operating the combination and management of workers Therefore, as the contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production among the masses of workers in the productive forces, administrative cadres have the most authority to carry out their work. This authority is the advantage of doing a good job in ideological and political work of the workers and staff and is mainly manifested in the “four supreme” First, the most easy to find problems in the ideological problems of workers can be described in many ways, but the work-related often the most important, but also the most difficult to solve, which is produced in the scope of administrative work; then is in accordance with the law of mental activity, a person Of the emotions are often consciously and unconsciously manifested through their own words and deeds, and the workers’ jobs provide opportunities and places for their performance. Administrative cadres grasp the activities of workers during the work process, at the forefront, of course, the most easy to find. Is the easiest to understand the reasons. Workers in the cause, the ideological issues arising from the work, The scope of management, often manifested in the work out, so that the administrative cadres of the most easy to understand the situation, find out the truth. The third is the most easy to resolve and harmonize administrative
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小朋友们要去捕鱼喽!请你赶快从本期《启蒙》赠送的“小粘贴”上把鱼找到,然后将同种类的鱼“放”进同一个渔网里,再说一说,小朋友们分别捕了多少条鱼? The kids are going