唐朝以史为鉴 ,竭力避免出现军政合一现象 ,规定都督府只掌军事不问民政 ,州政府只管民政不问军事 ,但实际情况却非常复杂。本文指出 ,西州都督府实际上与州政府合署办公 ,并根据大量出土文献和传世文献对此作了充分论证 ,对这种现象产生的原因、条件 ,以及西州与安西都护府的关系、合署办公与一般都督府的关系等问题也进行了研究
Tang dynasty as a mirror for history, trying to avoid the phenomenon of military and political unity, the provisions of the government do not ask metropolitan government only do not ask civil affairs, the state government just do not ask the military affairs military, but the actual situation is very complicated. This paper points out that Xidu Prefecture Government is actually in close cooperation with the state government office, and based on a large number of unearthed documents and handed down documents fully demonstrated this cause of the phenomenon, conditions, as well as Xizhou and An Xidu Du Fu Relations, the relationship between the office and the general Dudu Fu and other issues have also been studied