Structured trajectory planning of collision-free lane change using the vehicle-driver integration da

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhudamiao_72
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In this paper, the structured trajectory planning of lane change in collision-free road environment is studied and validated using the vehicle-driver integration data, and a new trajectory planning model for lane change is proposed based on linear offset and sine function to balance driver comfort and vehicle dynamics. The trajectory curvature of the proposed model is continuous without mutation, and the zero-based curvature at the starting and end points during lane change assures the motion direction of end points in parallel with the lane line. The field experiment are designed to collect the vehicle-driver integration data, such as steering angle, brake pedal angel and accelerator pedal angel. The correction Correlation analysis of lane-changing maneuver and influencing variables is conducted to obtain the significant variables that can be used to calibrate and test the proposed model. The results demonstrate that vehicle velocity and Y-axis acceleration have significant effects on the lane-changing maneuver, so that the model recalibrated by the samples of different velocity ranges and Y-axis accelerations has better fitted performance compared with the model calibrated by the sample trajectory. In addition, the proposed model presents a decreasing tendency of the lane change trajectory fitted MAE with the increase of time span of calibrating samples at the starting stage. In this paper, the structured trajectory planning of lane change in collision-free road environment is studied and validated using the vehicle-driver integration data, and a new trajectory planning model for lane change is proposed based on linear offset and sine function to balance driver comfort and vehicle dynamics. The trajectory curvature of the proposed model is continuous without mutation, and the zero-based curvature at the starting and end points during lane change assures the motion direction of end points in parallel with the lane line. The field experiment are designed to collect the vehicle-driver integration data, such as steering angle, brake pedal angel and accelerator pedal angel. The correction Correlation analysis of lane-changing maneuver and influencing variables is conducted to obtain the significant variables that can be used to calibrate and test the proposed model. The results demonstrate that vehicle velocity and Y-axis acceleration have significant effects on the lane-changing maneuver, so that the model recalibrated by the samples of different velocity ranges and Y-axis accelerations has better fitted performance compared with the model calibrated by the sample trajectory. In addition, the proposed model presents a decreasing tendency of the lane change trajectory fitted MAE with the increase of time span of calibrating samples at the starting stage.
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