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中注协将今年的工作重点之一确定为积极稳妥地推进会计师事务所由有限责任制向合伙制转变,这一举措对于提高事务所执业质量、促进整个行业健康有序的发展具有十分重要的意义。据统计,目前我国数千家事务所中,有限责任制形式的占到了90%以上,改革的艰巨性和普遍性可想而知。笔者认为在改革过程中,会计师事务所自身首先必须切实解决好以下问题,才能使改革顺利进行,少留后遗症。 China AICPA decided that one of the focuses of this year will be to actively and steadily promote the transformation of the accounting firm from a limited liability system to a partnership system. This measure is very important for improving the quality of practice of the firm and promoting the healthy and orderly development of the entire industry significance. According to statistics, at present, among the thousands of offices in our country, the form of the limited liability system accounts for more than 90%, and the difficulty and universality of the reform can be imagined. In my opinion, in the process of reform, the accounting firm must first solve the following problems effectively in order to make the reform go smoothly with less sequelae.
[特开昭 53-134286] 这个发明是刀具沿着靠模凸轮移动,以切削非圆工件的仿型切削装置(图a~e)。 在主轴箱体内的主轴端部,设有仿型头,仿形头中一对刀具滑板各自沿着装在主轴箱
西部大开发的10年是西部地区跨越发展的10年,是‘蝶变’的10年,在这个举世瞩目的‘蝶变’里,一个重要的参与者、组织者和推动者就是西部国际博览会。 In the 10 years since
As China fights its way out of the financial downturn, the developed world, primarily the United States and Europe, is still reeling from the recession. Despite
一翼子板拉延模 翼子板是汽车冷冲压零件中拉延深度最深的零件之一(图3)实物见照片(1)(3)。在我厂目前没有双动压力机,只能靠模具的结构来达到零件的深拉成型。办法是将压边
INTRODUCTION Recently, Mr. T. H. Ting, Geologist of the Sino-Swedish Expedition to the North-west, loaned me for description some Dinosaur material which he ha
据市调机构 In-Stat/MDR 资料显示,虽然2003年 VoIP 芯片的营收仅1亿3,760万美元,但在WLAN、移动电话等移动应用的推动下,可望呈现大幅增长,2008年时 VoIP 营收预计可提升至
高平,炎帝故里,历史上长平之战的发生地。它雄踞太行之巅,俯视千里中原,是太行太岳革命老区和闻名全国的“煤铁之乡”“黄梨之乡”“生猪之乡”和“上党梆子戏剧之乡”。 Ga