Precise and full extraction of the coupling-of-mode parameters with periodic Green's function

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ice588
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Precise extraction of coupling-of-mode (COM) parameters plays a key role in the design for modern high performance surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters. An accurate and efficient analysis of char- acteristics for SAW propagating under periodic metal gratings has been developed based on the concept of harmonic admittance and periodic Green抯 function. Some further improvement is made on the nu- merical algorithm, such as isolation of the logarithmic singularity, asymptotic simplification of periodic Green抯 function, and utilization of Chebyshev polynomials as basis functions of the charge distribution. The most important point is extraction of the phase of coupling reflection coefficient by the characteris- tics of standing wave on the edges of stopband. This approach leads to a fast, precise and full extraction of COM parameters. The results and discussions for several materials have been presented. Precise extraction of coupling-of-mode (COM) parameters plays a key role in the design for modern high performance surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters. An accurate and efficient analysis of char- acteristics for SAW propagating under periodic metal gratings has been developed based on the concept of harmonic admittance and periodic Green’s function. Some further improvement is made on the nu-merical algorithm, such as isolation of the logarithmic singularity, asymptotic simplification of periodic Green’s function, and utilization of Chebyshev polynomials as basis functions of the charge distribution. The most important point is extraction of the phase of coupling reflection coefficient by the characteris- tics of standing wave on the edges of stopband. This approach leads to a fast, precise and full extraction of COM parameters. The results and discussions for several materials have been presented.
[摘要]随着工业化达到其最高成就,特别是不良社会生产方式带来人与自然的矛盾尖锐化,促使I。业文明必将发生转型,走向人与自然相互协调的生态文明。建设生态文明是中国特色社会主义发展的方向,但是解决人与自然的矛盾必须通过解决社会矛盾来实现,保证中国社会可持续发展的制度设计需要注入环境正义的理念。  [关键词]人与自然;生态文明;环境正义  [中图分类号]B82  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1672
The unstable nucleus 5He emission has never been included in the widely used statistical model codes as the evaluation tool and interpretation experimental data
【摘要】语文教学离不开生活,生活中处处存在语文教学。但是,我国的语文教学长期脱离社会生活,直接影响了语文教学的实效性。可见,语文教学必须实现生活化,即学生学习生活化;课堂教学生活化。语文教学只有扎根于生活这一片沃土,才能生根发芽,开花结果。  【关键词】语文教学;生活化;策略      美国教育家华特指出:“语文的外延与生活的外延相等”。教学活动是人类生活中的一部分,离开生活的教学活动是不存在的,