利用一次杂交选择、多次回交转育等方法培育新恢复系,分离世代中鉴定植株是否带有正常育性恢复基因,目前大多通过与不育系测交的方法。也有人企图用自交结实率作为一个衡量指标,据研究,自交结实率与恢复力相关很低(r=0.24)。如果是培育具有普通小麦(Triticum aestium)细胞质的恢复系,就必须从回交一代开始,各个世代逐株与不育系
Using one hybridization selection and multiple backcrossing methods to cultivate new restorer lines, it is identified whether the plants have the normal fertility restorer genes in the segregation generation. Some people also try to use selfing rate as a measure, according to the research, selfing rate is very low and resilience (r = 0.24). If you are cultivating a restorer line that has the cytoplasm of Triticum aestium, you have to start with the backcross generation and strain each line with sterile lines