Coriandrum sativum L.(C. sativum) is one of the most useful essential oil bearing spices as well as medicinal plants, belonging to the family Umbelliferae/Apiaceae. The leaves and seeds of the plant are widely used in folk medicine in addition to its use as a seasoning in food preparation. The C. sativum essential oil and extracts possess promising antibacterial, antifungal and anti-oxidative activities as various chemical components in dif erent parts of the plant, which thus play a great role in maintaining the shelf-life of foods by preventing their spoilage. This edible plant is non-toxic to humans, and the C. sativum essential oil is thus used in dif erent ways, viz., in foods(like l avoring and preservatives) and in pharmaceutical products(therapeutic action) as well as in perfumes(fragancias and lotions). The current updates on the usefulness of the plant C. sativum are due to scientii c research published in dif erent web-based journals.
Coriandrum sativum L. (C. Sativum) is one of the most useful essential oil bearing spices as well as medicinal plants, belonging to the family Umbelliferae / Apiaceae. The leaves and seeds of the plant are widely used in folk medicine in addition to its use as a seasoning in food preparation. The C. sativum essential oil and extract possess ready antibacterial, antifungal and anti-oxidative activities as various chemical components in dif erent parts of the plant, which play a great role in maintaining the shelf-life of foods by preventing their spoilage. This edible plant is non-toxic to humans, and the C. sativum essential oil is used in dif erent ways, viz., in foods (like l avoring and preservatives) and in pharmaceutical products action) as well as in perfumes (fragancias and lotions). The current updates on the usefulness of the plant C. sativum are due to scientii c research published in difrent web-based journals.