认真贯彻监督法 促进和谐社会构建——省人大常委会学习贯彻监督法座谈会发言摘要

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2006年12月22日,省人大常委会召开学习贯彻监督法座谈会,省人大常委会组成人员、省人大法制委委员,省政府、省法院、省检察院及相关部门负责人近百人参加了座谈会。陈元春(省人大常委会内务司法委员会主任):省人大常委会内司委作为常委会开展司法监督工作的工作机构,在新的形势下,如何按照监督法的要求,加强和改进司法监督工作,是一个很值得认真研究的问题。听取和审议“两院”专项工作报告、开展执法检查,是监督法明确规定的两种重要的监督形式,实践证明也是行之有效的。明年,我们的司法监督工作重点将放在后续跟踪上,将听取和审议“两院”对常委会审议意见整改落实情况的专项报告。主要目的就是要保持监督工作的连续性,突出监督工作的实效性。 On December 22, 2006, nearly 100 members of the Standing Committee of Provincial People’s Congress convened the Symposium on the Study and Implementation of Supervision Law. The members of the Standing Committee of Provincial People’s Congress, members of Provincial People’s Law Commission and the provincial government, provincial courts, provincial procuratorates and heads of relevant departments attended the forum meeting. Chen Yuanchun (Director of Internal Affairs Judicial Committee of Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee): As a working organ that the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee conducts judicial supervision, under the new situation, how to strengthen and improve judicial supervision in accordance with the requirements of the Supervision Law It is a question that deserves serious study. Listening to and deliberating on the special work reports of the “two chambers” and carrying out law enforcement inspections are two important forms of supervision that are clearly stipulated in the supervision law and proved to be effective in practice. Next year, the focus of our judicial supervision will be on the follow-up track, and special reports on the implementation of the rectification of the opinions by the Standing Committee will be heard and reviewed by the “two chambers”. The main purpose is to maintain the continuity of supervision and highlight the effectiveness of supervision.
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2月24日,农业部在京召开新闻发布会,万宝瑞副部长发表了讲话,主要内容如下。 万定瑞副部长介绍说,由于乡镇企业产品的市场占有率越来越高,产品质量对社会的影响越来越大。因