中国菜肴讲究色香味形,最重的还是菜之味,可谓口味至上。味道这东西,看不见摸不着,端的是妙不可言。辞书上说,甜、酸、苦、咸是最基本的四种味。基本味之外,还有辣、涩、腥、焦诸多的味。味不全是单一的,还有复合味型,如麻辣味、酸甜味,以及酸甜苦辣说不清的怪味。 人们对味往往是“情有独钟”,如山西人之爱醋,四川人之嗜辣,江南人之喜甜。正所谓“口之于味,
Pay attention to the color of Chinese cuisine flavor, the heaviest or the taste of food, can be described as taste first. This taste of things, can not see the touching, the end is wonderful. Dictionary said that sweet, sour, bitter, salty is the most basic four kinds of taste. The basic flavor, there are spicy, astringent, fishy, coke a lot of flavor. Taste is not single, there are complex flavors, such as spicy, sweet and sour, as well as sour and sweet can not tell the strange smell. People tend to be “soft-hearted”, such as the love of vinegar in Shanxi, Sichuan spicy, Jiangnan sweet. The so-called "mouth of taste,