在市场竞争日益激烈的今天 ,如何甄选到能提高公司核心竞争力的营销人才呢 ?而绩效记录原理则展示了一种甄选营销高手的博弈分析方法。博弈论不仅“广泛而深入地改变了经济学家的思维方式” ,而且正逐渐向各应用学科和工商现实渗透。因此现实已迫使公司的管理层用博弈论的分析框架去解决市场营销中的实际问题。
In the increasingly fierce market competition today, how to choose to improve the company’s core competitiveness of marketing talent? The principle of performance records shows a selection of marketing expert game analysis. Game theory not only “widely and deeply changed the way economists think,” but is gradually permeating the various applied disciplines and business realities. So reality has forced the company’s management to use game theory analysis framework to solve the actual problems in marketing.