高中英语必修-Unit5Nelson Mandela——a modern hero课本要点精练

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  1. The owner promised to offer a good r______ for the return of the missing wallet.
  2. If we can’t reach an agreement, we have to v______ on this issue.
  3. The products of good q______ at a low price are more popular with housewives.
  4. His doctor a______ that he should give up smoking at once because he was diagnosed(诊断出) with lung cancer.
  5. During the p_________ 1939—1945, the world was suffering the terrible World War II.
  6. It’s reported that too much _________(暴力) on television does harm to children’s character.
  7. Though he was not rich, he was so g________ that he gave most of his money to help others.
  8. Being an office lady, she d________ all her time to her favorite business and became a successful manager.
  9. Those who like answering teachers’ questions are very a_______ in class and can learn better than some passive learners.
  10. Two and three e________ five.
  1. _______ and you will be in hell. Keep up and you will be in paradise.
  A. Lose heart B. Lose your heart
  C. Losing heart D. Losing your heart
  2. Only when I left my parents for Italy _______ how much I loved them.
  A. I realized B. I had realized
  C. had I realized D. did I realize
  3. The notice said: Anyone returning the purse will be_______.
  A. awarded B. rewarded
  C. prized D. paid
  4. On the dark street, there were no people around _______ she could turn for help.
  A. to whom B. with whom
  C. by whom D. for whom
  5. The island country had fought _______ the enemies for more than ten years _______ it became an independent republic.
  A. against; before B. against; when
  C. with; since D. for; while
  6. _______ you eat the correct foods _______ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.
  A. Only if; will you B. Only if, you will
  C. Unless, will you D. Unless, you will
  7. We are strongly advised _____ notes when necessary.
  A. taking B. to take
  C. take D. to be taken
  8.Everybody likes to get along with someone who is generous _____ his money and dislikes ____ with someone who is mean with it.
  A. to; to get along B. for; getting
  C. with; getting D. with; getting along
  9.He said yes to their plan, but _______ he had some different opinions on it.
  A. in matter of facts B. as a result
  C. as a matter of fact D. in actually
  10. The country will suffer a harder time if a new president ______.
  A. comes into power
  B. will come into power
  C. is voted
  D. voted
  11. Everyone in my class believes that our monitor is equal _____ our class.
  A. to take charge of
  B. to taking charge of
  C. with taking charge of
  D. taking charge of
  12. The layer thought it unfair for his client _______ ten years in prison just because he had hidden the robber secretly.
  A. to be sentenced
  B. to sentenced to
  C. to be sentenced to
  D. have sentenced to
  13. The school ______ I studied for only two years was three kilometers away.
  A. that B. which
  C. for which D. at which
  14. I won’t never forget the moment ________ we first met in the Forbidden City.
  A. which B. what
  C. when D. where
  15. Those successful deaf(聋的) dancers think that dancing is an activity ________ sight matters more than hearing.
  A. when B. whose
  C. which D. where
  1. Our teachers advised that we ___________(练习英语) every day. (practice)
  2. As a student, everyone should _________ (积极参加) in all kinds of activities. (active)
  3. A great person is someone who__________(把生命奉献给帮助)others. (devote)
  4. Don’t _______________(失去信心). You can have another try.(heart)
  5. He had some difficulty in supporting his family because he ____________________(失业). (work)
  6. In fact nobody _________________(愿意) miss such an important football match.(willing)
  7. The small village ________________(我成长的) has changed a lot in the past few years. (grow)
  8. Dr. Smith is always the person __________(我去向他) for help. (go)
  9. She didn’t say anything but ____________(回报他) a sweet smile. (reward)
  10. _________________(他所要的) is simply independent choice, whatever that independence may cost and wherever it may lead. (want)
  The opening of the World Cup in South Africa has been marred(损毁) by the death of Nelson Mandela’s great-granddaughter in a car accident. Nelson Mandela’s highly anticipated(期待的) arrival for the opening ceremonies of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa has been cancelled because tragedy(悲剧) has struck his family.
  Nelson’s 13-year-old great granddaughter died in a car crash early Friday morning(July, 10) after a kickoff concert for the World Cup in Soweto. According to reports, Mandela’s granddaughter Zenani Mandela was returning home from the event in a car whose driver remains unnamed. The accident involved one car (which overturned on a freeway) and tragically killed Zenani. Her grandmother, who was not in the car with her at the time, was briefly hospitalized(sent to hospital) for shock after learning of her grand-daughter’s death. Police are saying that the driver was driving drunk and could possibly be sentenced into prison.
  The Nelson Mandela Foundation released this statement saying that Nelson Mandela would no longer be able to attend the opening ceremonies of the World Cup.
  “We are sure that South Africans and people all over the world will stand in unity with Mr. Mandela and his family in the following days after this tragedy,” the statement read.
  “We continue to believe the World Cup is a momentous and historic occasion for South Africa and the continent and we are certain it will be a huge success. Madiba will be there with you in spirit today.”
  Zenani celebrated her 13th birthday on Wednesday.
  For more on the story, visit the NYTimes.com.
  To view a video of Nelson and Zenani, click here.
  1. The underlined word “a car crash” in the second paragraph means _______.
  A. an accident B. a race
  C. a movement D. a match
  2. According to the report, we can learn that __________.
  A. Mandela great granddaughter was killed in a car accident after school
  B. Zenani turned 13 just two days before her death
  C. Zenani’s grandma was sent to hospital because she was hurt too
  D. the drunk driver escaped from the accident spot and was unnamed
  3. Which of the following is the most suitable title of the article?
  A. Nelson Mandela great Granddaughter Dies in Car Accident
  B. Nelson Mandela won’t appear at the opening of the World Cup
  C. The Opening of the World Cup in South Africa
  D. Mandela granddaughter killed today
  4. This article is probably taken from ______.
  A. a newspaper B. a magazine
  C. a webpage D. a TV pragramme
  姓名: 马丁·路德金
  职业:律师、民权运动(civil right movement)领袖
  经历:1951年就读于波士顿大学(Boston University);
  1963年在华盛顿(Washington)举行游行(march),发表著名演说《我有一个梦想》,反对种族歧视(racial discrimination),争取平等;1964年获诺贝尔和平奖
  逝世:1968.4在田纳西州孟菲斯(Memphis, Tennessee)遭暗杀
  律师lawyer 美国黑人民权运动 the black American civil rights movement
  诺贝尔和平奖the Nobel Peace Prize
  被暗杀 be assassinated
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一、单词拼写    根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。
一、单词拼写    根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。  1.When you__ (购买)something,you buy it.
一、单词拼写    根据句意和首写字母提示,写出旬中所缺单词的完全形式。
Most people forget what they’ve just learnt within 12 and 24 hours. If you are reading this post now, chances are that tomorrow you’ll not even remember it. Our brain works like a big search engine, w
定语从句也被称为形容词性从句, 在句子中起定语作用,修饰一个名词或代词,有时可修饰一个句子。被定语从句修饰的词叫做先行词,连接先行词和定语从句的词叫做关系代词或关系副词, 所以定语从句有三要素:先行词 + 关系词 + 从句。这也是判断定语从句的关键,然而定语从句和其它相似的句式的混淆问题仍然是考生们很犯愁的事情。以下的归纳希望能消除考生们的忧愁和烦恼。  相似句式I:which 引导的非限制性定语