【摘 要】
GR-2 geologic radar is developed by China University of Mining Technology (Beijing), owning the Intellectual Property Right. The touch screen of Radar mainframe
【出 处】
Journal of Chinese Geophysical Society Applied Geophysics
GR-2 geologic radar is developed by China University of Mining Technology (Beijing), owning the Intellectual Property Right. The touch screen of Radar mainframe system improves the efficiency in field. System impulse emission frequency is 200KHz, so its efficiency is high but the cost low. GR-2 geologic radar can detect continuously, displaying real time two-dimension image and Chinese menu.
GR-2 geologic radar is developed by China University of Mining Technology (Beijing), owning the Intellectual Property Right. The touch screen of Radar mainframe system improves the efficiency in field. System impulse emission frequency is 200KHz, so its efficiency is high but the the cost low. GR-2 geologic radar can detect continuously, displaying real time two-dimension image and Chinese menu.
国营大中型企业是整个国民经济发展重要的稳定器和推进器。搞活国营大中型企业,增强其经济活力,就经济运行机制而言,关键在于推进国营大中型企业的计划与市场的有机结合。 (
Debris flows in essence are the process of mass transportation controlled by the constitution featured by a wide-ranged distribution of grain size. Debris-flow
金额单位:万美元┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━┳━━━━━━┳━━━━━┳━━━━━━┳━━━━━━┓┃ ┃计量 ┃ ┃ ┃比去年F ┃。期±% ┃┃ 商品名
近年来 ,由于冷成型技术、焊接技术和无损探伤技术的发展 ,也促进焊接钢管的发展正在向高速、高效、高质量和省工序方向发展 ,作为最后工序移动式切断机也必须满足焊管切断要
20 0 1年 6月 15日 - 17日 ,海恩锯业有限公司成功地举办了“日照海恩国际金刚石圆锯片应力研讨会” ,出席会议的人员有来自国内外 5 0多个厂家共 80多名专家和代表。在这次
一、物资系统经济效益现状 1989年以来,物资系统经济效益不断下降。1989年利润总额比1988年下降16.12%,1990年利润净额又比上年下降41.8%。1991年1—3季度虽然物资购进以23.4%
1 问题的提出由于事故 ,我厂空分车间某 4M 12 - 5 9/ 4 4型氮压机机身中间两个轴瓦座断裂 ,被迫停车检修。该氮压机机身材质HT2 0 - 4 0 ,规格 112 0mm× 810mm×2 875mm ,裂纹深 15