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本文从上古神话英雄的历史演绎过程入手,解读中庸哲学观在历史的发展过程中对上古神话中的英雄崇高悲剧的消解。进而提出如何理解这些神话,并分析其积极意义,以期修正整个中华民族对于上古神话悲剧英雄人物悲剧性、崇高感、牺牲精神和舍生取义的重新认定。 This article begins with the historical deduction process of the ancient mythological heroes, and explains the resolution of the noble tragedy of the mythological mythology in the historical development of the philosophical view of the mean. Then it is put forward how to understand these myths and analyze their positive significance so as to revise the entire Chinese nation’s re-affirmation of the tragedy, lofty feeling, sacrificial spirit and sacrificial meanings of tragic heroes of the ancient myth.
刘勰的《文心雕龙》是中国古代文学理论批评史上一部最杰出的重要著作,它具有里程碑式的地位。《宗经》篇属于枢纽篇,刘勰在此篇中建构了自己的经典观。 Liu Xie’s “Wen X