随着无线网络的迅速发展,如何改进TCP在无线网络中的传输性能这一课题,已经成为国内外研究的热点。文章分析了现有的几种典型的TCP改进方案,并在此基础上介绍一种新的跨层方案。通过在传输层和链路层之间引入ARQ Snoop代理,在链路层检测并重传ARQ分组的同时,协调WLAN MAC子层的ARQ机制与TCP的ARQ策略。
With the rapid development of wireless networks, how to improve the transmission performance of TCP in wireless networks has become a hot topic at home and abroad. The paper analyzes several typical TCP improvement schemes and introduces a new cross-layer scheme. By introducing the ARQ Snoop proxy between the transport layer and the link layer, the ARQ mechanism of the WLAN MAC layer and the ARQ policy of TCP are coordinated at the link layer to detect and retransmit ARQ packets.