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在以往的教学中,教师在课堂上注重的是教的结果,学生对学习感觉是一种负担,教学效率不高。结合教学实践尝试利用陶行知教育理论在课堂教学中重过程轻结果,带领学生去探索去创造,从过程中获取经验,从而激发他们的探究兴趣、拓展探究空间、丰富探究内容、提升探究经验,让学生爱学、乐学、愿学、会学。 In the past teaching, the teacher pays attention to the result of teaching in the classroom, the student is a kind of burden to the study feeling, the teaching efficiency is not high. Trying to use Tao Xingzhi’s theory of education to make light of the result of the process of teaching in combination with the teaching practice, leading the students to explore to create, gain experience from the process, so as to stimulate their interest in inquiry, expand the space for inquiry, enrich the inquiry content and enhance the inquiry experience , Let students love learning, music learning, learning, will learn.