1902年韩国首次从法国引进20头奶牛 ,这便是韩国奶牛业的开端 ,从此开始从包括日本在内的国家逐渐引进奶牛。1962 ,韩国实施第一个五年发展计划 ,在计划中包括有促进牛业发展的政策。此时与德国、新西兰合作建起了一些示范性奶牛场。随着奶牛数量的增加 ,牛奶生产量
In 1902 Korea introduced 20 cows from France for the first time. This is the beginning of the Korean dairy industry. Since then, cows have gradually been introduced from countries including Japan. In 1962, South Korea implemented the first five-year development plan and included plans to promote the development of the cattle industry. At this time, some demonstration dairy farms were established in cooperation with Germany and New Zealand. With the increase in the number of cows, milk production