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乙未割台之后,海峡两岸之间的声息来往并未断绝,但由于祖国大陆自身内忧外患、战乱频仍,有一段时间对于台湾的关注、报导偏少,致使大陆民众对于台湾情况了解不多,包括大文豪鲁迅、郭沫若等,对此都曾有过深深的叹喟。但到了二战末期,战争形势以及台湾回归的大势已经明朗,祖国大陆掀起了关注台湾、了解台湾的热潮,并在台湾光复初期达到顶点。除了大量的《台湾要览》、《今日的台湾》之类介绍台湾历史人文地理的书籍出版流行外,对于台湾现实社会状况的及时报导,则通过记者、作家之笔,迅速呈现于报端。由于当时台湾社会状况不佳,特别是发生了“二二八”这样的恶性事件,官方报纸必然有所顾忌和隐晦,于是非官方的媒体,特别是一些具有民主倾向的报纸,就成为台湾书写、报导的主要场所。像《华商报》、《文汇报》、《大公报》以及《文萃》、《光明报》等刊物,都是其中的佼佼者。而在新加坡出版的《南侨日报》,对于台湾事情也有着特别的关注,堪称战后初期南洋华侨“民主派”报导、书写台湾的主要刊物之一。 However, due to the frequent internal and external disturbances in the motherland itself and the frequent war-torn conflicts, there has been a period of concern and coverage of Taiwan. As a result, people in the Mainland do not know much about the situation in Taiwan, including Large writer Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, etc., which have had a deep sigh. However, by the end of World War II, the situation in the war and the general trend of Taiwan’s return to the motherland have become clear. The motherland has set off a focus on Taiwan and its understanding of Taiwan, culminating in the early recovery of Taiwan. Except for a large number of publications such as “Taiwanese Tabloids” and “Today’s Taiwan,” which introduce Taiwan’s historical geo-geography books, the timely reporting on the actual social conditions in Taiwan has rapidly emerged from the press through the help of journalists and writers. Due to the poor social conditions in Taiwan at that time, especially the vicious incidents of “228”, the official newspapers inevitably scruples and vagueness. Therefore, the unofficial media, especially those newspapers with democratic tendencies, have become Taiwan wrote, reported the main venue. Such as “China Business Daily”, “Wen Wei Po”, “Ta Kung Pao” and “Wen Cui”, “Guangming Bao” and other publications, are one of the best. The “Nanqiao Daily” published in Singapore, for example, also has a special interest in Taiwan. It is one of the major publications in Taiwan that was reported by overseas Chinese and “democrats” in the early postwar period.
粤北山区连州市边垂有一所远近闻名的乡镇医院——星子中心卫生院。 改革开放以来,这所医院坚持“为山区农民健康服务”的办医宗旨,走科学管理,科技兴医的道路,使医院发生了
目的 :了解血小板第 4因子对60 Co 射线照射后小鼠体内造血的作用。方法 :实验鼠用PF4注射两次 ,间隔 6h ,第 2次注射后 2 0h给予 7.5Gy的60 Co 射线一次性全身照射 ,第 8
主要从创作审美以及歌唱方法两个角度来谈中西传统声乐的优势契合,进而探讨了中国当代传统声乐发展的障碍与必由之路,仅供借鉴。 From the perspectives of aesthetic creat