在场地上玩越野,可谓是处处充满了“陷阱”,稍有不慎,你就会被突如其来的状况所牵制,丧失掉许多时间,这样影响到最终的比赛成绩。在上期的栏目中,我们已经跟大家谈到了场地上一个比较有难度的障碍点,也就是 V 型沟的跨越方法,在 V 型沟上行驶的时候最重要的是要掌握好平衡,心不急,气不慌,控制好前进的线路、油门和方向,这样就可以顺利突出重围。当然在一个越野场地上的障碍往往都不会只有 V 型沟而已,比如单面桥、双面桥、排骨路、
Playing off-road on the court can be said to be full of “traps”, a little careless, you will be controlled by the sudden situation, lost a lot of time, thus affecting the final game results. In the last column, we have talked to you about a more difficult obstacle in the venue, which is the V-shaped ditch across the way, when driving in the V-groove the most important thing is to grasp the balance, the heart does not Urgency, gas does not panic, control of the forward line, throttle and direction, so that you can successfully highlight the siege. Of course, obstacles in an off-road are often not only V-groove it, such as single-sided bridge, double-sided bridge, ribs Road,