学科教学知识(Pedagogiacal Content Knowledge,简称PCK)的概念最早由美国学者舒尔曼提出,是有别于学科知识与教学知识的一种知识类别,是教师在面对特定学科主题或问题时,针对学生的不同兴趣与能力,将学科知识组织、调整与呈现,进行有效教学的知识,是学科知识与一般教学法知识的整合。根据其概念可知,学科教学知识是一种使教师与学科专家有所区别的专门知识,是教师如何将自己所知道的学科内容以学生易理解的方式加工、传达给学生的知识,所以,学科教学知识被认为是教师知识的重心,具有重要的作用。
The concept of Pedagogiacal Content Knowledge (PCK), first proposed by Schultz, a scholar in the United States, is a type of knowledge that is different from subject knowledge and teaching knowledge. When a teacher faces a topic or problem of a specific subject, The different interests and abilities of students, the organization, adjustment and presentation of subject knowledge, the effective teaching of knowledge, the integration of subject knowledge and general teaching knowledge. According to its concept, subject teaching knowledge is a specialized knowledge that differentiates teachers from subject specialists, how teachers process knowledge they know and how they are processed in a way that students can easily understand and convey to students. Therefore, Teaching knowledge is considered as the center of knowledge of teachers, has an important role.