配售一亿一千六百八十万股 H 股每股作价0.9港元中国最大之 EIP(Embedded Intelligent Platform,嵌入式智能平台)产品研发及供货商深圳市研祥智能科技股份有限公司(研祥智能)于10月10日在香港联合交易所挂牌上市,公司以配售方式发行116,800,000股 H 股,每股作价0.9港元。研祥智能的股份编号为8285。研祥智能此次上市的集资总额为1亿510万港元。研祥智能成立于1993年,是中国最大、全球技术领先的 EIP 产品研发及供货商。集团主要从事 EIP 产
Placing 116.6 million H shares at HK $ 0.9 per share R & D and supplier of EIP (Embedded Intelligent Platform), China’s largest Shenzhen EVOC Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (EVOC Smart) was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 10 and the company issued 116,800,000 H shares by way of placing at a price of HK $ 0.9 per share. EVOC Smart’s stock code is 8285. The total amount of IPO funds raised by EVOC is HK $ 105.1 million. EVOC Intelligent was established in 1993, is China’s largest, the world’s leading EIP product development and technology suppliers. The Group is principally engaged in EIP production