Dialectical thinking in engineering management

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:litao2006
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Modern engineering management activities have all become more complex,being far beyond the economic and technological areas,due to their growing grand scales,increasingly complex structures and integrated systems.Therefore,we need focus our attention on engineering management activities by resorting to dialectical thinking and take full account of them based on the height of the new era.This paper described and analyzed engineering management activities from the following 5 aspects:the cyclic promotion between engineering management theory and engineering management practice,the in-depth integration of engineering management concepts with engineering management methods,the coordinated harmonization of engineering management system with engineering management details,the mutual promotion between engineering management standardization and engineering management innovation,the common enhancement between engineering management team and engineering management system. Modern engineering management activities have all become more complex, being far beyond the economic and technological areas, due to their growing grand scales, increasingly complex structures and integrated systems.Therefore, we need focus our attention on engineering management activities by resorting to dialectical thinking and take full account of them based on the height of the new era. This paper described and analyzed engineering management activities from the following 5 aspects: the cyclic promotion between engineering management theory and engineering management practice, the in-depth integration of engineering management concepts with engineering management methods, the coordinated harmonization of engineering management system with engineering management details, the mutual promotion between engineering management standardization and engineering management innovation, the common enhancement between engineering management team and engineering management system.
摘 要:父母是孩子的第一任教师,家庭是开展青春期教育的重要场所。应该注重孩子特殊个性,实施有针对性的青春期教育。提高信息素养,慎重选择并利用信息。家长要言传身教,潜移默化影响孩子。掌握正确的教育方法,促进孩子身心的健康发展。  关 键 词:家庭;青春期教育;视域  作者简介:杨忠健,北京教育科学研究院德育研究中心,中学高级教师  家是先民由游猎进入定居阶段的重要标志,是以婚姻和血缘为纽带的基本社