There are notable achievements in sorting out the national heritage movement in the tradition of traditional culture and its transformation to the modern era, but the inadequacies are obvious. In the actual process of sorting out the national movement, the scope of the study is too limited to the test and the pseudo-falsification. The test of detention was once the obvious tendency of many scholars in the country so that not only the separation of the goal and the method, the departure from the ideal and the reality, Academic atmosphere has some negative effects; some scholars think that finishing the country movement insists on the research attitude of “judging attitude” and “revaluing all values”, which adversely affects the cohesion of the spiritual forces and uniting the war of resistance. In sorting out the national security movement, the trend of doubtful thoughts and Hu Shi’s “Doubtfulism” and “getting evidence” have become very popular. Textual research on the Art of War and the pseudo-checks in this context. Through more comprehensive and exhaustive textual research, scholars have pointed out that there are thirteen chapters in the present age of the “Art of War” that were written in the late Warring States period. Textual research on the Art of War and the pseudo-pseudo caused another tit for tat opposition. The controversy surrounding the art of war by Sun Tzu reveals from one aspect the inadequacies of arranging the movement of the country and also involves the re-understanding and evaluation of the role of the traditional military culture.