望远镜传统摄影 使用徕卡专用接筒和不同品牌相机的专用接圈,可以将传统相机与单筒望远镜组合起来拍摄,形成特殊的望远镜传统摄影,它的拍摄方法与使用传统相机大同小异。传统相机包括使用胶片的或使用数码的单反相机,镜身成为别致的800mm定焦镜头。 不同品牌相机的专用接圈,可以将徕卡、尼康、佳能、美能达
Telescope Traditional Photography Using Leica Dedicated Splices and special adapters from different brands of cameras, you can combine traditional cameras with monocular telescopes to create special telescopes for traditional photography, much the same way you shoot with traditional cameras. Conventional cameras include film-based or digital SLR cameras that make the lens a chic 800mm fixed-focus lens. Different brands of cameras dedicated ring, you can Leica, Nikon, Canon, Minolta