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自改革开放以来,我国社会主义建设取得了伟大的成就。尤其在国民经济领域,已改变了传统的计划模式,逐步建立科学、完善的现代化市场经济新秩序,大力发展了民营、私营经济及合资企业,在所有制结构上彻底改变了公有制一统天下的局面。党的十五大报告已经明确指出:“以公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展,是我国社会主义阶段的一项基本经济制度”;“非公有制经济是我国社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分”。在国家宏观经济政策的指引下,各类非公有制企业迎来了崭新的发展时期,在国内市场的作用日益显著。山东武城华能玻璃钢制品有限公司——一家以生产菱镁制品为主的中外合资企业,抓住机遇、励精图治,在短短10年间,由过去一个名不见经传的小企业发展成为今天声名远扬的国家中型二级企业。他们是如何走上这条成功之路的?透过企业多年不平凡的创业、发展历程,我们就会深谙华能公司取得今日辉煌的奥秘。 Since the reform and opening up, China’s socialist construction has made great achievements. In the area of ​​national economy, in particular, the traditional planning model has been changed, a scientific and perfect modern market economy new order has been gradually established, private and private economy and joint ventures have been vigorously developed, and the public ownership system has completely changed the ownership structure. The report of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has clearly pointed out: “The common development with public ownership as the main body and the economic development with multiple ownership systems is a basic economic system in China’s socialist stage”; “The non-public ownership economy is an important part of China’s socialist market economy. ”. Under the guidance of the national macroeconomic policies, all types of non-public ownership enterprises have ushered in a new period of development, and their role in the domestic market has become increasingly significant. Shandong Wucheng Huaneng FRP Products Co., Ltd., a Sino-foreign joint venture mainly engaged in the production of magnesite products, has seized the opportunity and made great efforts to improve its governance. In a short span of 10 years, it has grown from a small, undisclosed company to a notorious one today. National medium-sized secondary enterprises. How did they embark on this successful road? Through years of extraordinary entrepreneurial and development history of the company, we will know the secret of Huaneng’s success today.
该文对尾矿坝在排渗方法处理上 ,根据地震波在介质中的传播特性 ,提出了一种确定尾矿坝水平顶管空间位置的方法。在进行理论分析计算的基础上 ,给出该问题的定量求解方法 ,并在工程应用中取得了良好效果。
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该文应用统计理论以及确定性模型的基本原理 ,评价了地质工程领域中的地质现象特征。在地质工程领域从定性分析向定量分析的转变过程中 ,取得了一些可靠的研究成果。 Based