本文是1985年10月至1988年8月对大型平原湖泊型水库——宿鸭湖水库贝类资源的研究。共采集到瓣鳃类33种,腹足类5种;其中25种瓣鳃类(含2个未定种)为河南省首次记录。库中贝类依环境条件和栖息其中优势种类的不同,可以划分为4个分布区;在6667 ha常年淹没区内,贝类生物量约为6670.08t,其中褶纹冠蚌占99.23%。该库单位面积生物量之高和褶纹冠蚌在贝类中占绝对优势的情况,在我国湖泊、水库中尚属首例。故在开发利用库中水产资源时应首先考虑这一资源优势,对贝类开展综合利用。
This article is from October 1985 to August 1988 on the large plains lake reservoir - Suyahu Reservoir shellfish resources. A total of 33 species of flap gills and 5 gastropods were collected, of which 25 species of gill (including 2 undetermined species) were recorded for the first time in Henan Province. According to the different environmental conditions and habitats, the shellfish in the library can be divided into four distribution areas. In the 6667 ha perennial inundation area, the shellfish biomass is about 6670.08t, of which the crown plicata is accounted for 99.23%. The biomass per unit area of the library and the Cristaria pleurotus in shellfish accounted for the absolute advantage of the case, in our lakes, reservoirs is still the first case. Therefore, in the development and utilization of aquatic resources in the library should first consider this resource advantage, the comprehensive utilization of shellfish.