为了更好地防除玉米田杂草,对700 g/L 2,4-滴丁酯·乙草胺·莠去津悬乳剂防除玉米田杂草的效果及其对玉米的安全性进行了田间小区试验。结果表明:700 g/L 2,4-滴丁酯·乙草胺·莠去津悬乳剂在玉米田播后苗前施用1 575~2 100g a.i./hm2可有效防除玉米田的稗草狗尾草、小藜、虎尾草、卷茎蓼、反枝苋等。施药后40 d,对一年生杂草的鲜重防效在90%以上,推荐剂量下施用对玉米安全。
In order to better control weeds in corn field, the effect of controlling the weeds in corn field by 700 g / L 2,4-D butylacetate · acetochlor · atrazine was tested and the safety of corn was studied. test. The results showed that the application of 700mg / L 2,4-D butylacetate · acetochlor · atrazine suspension could effectively prevent the growth of Setaria viridis in the maize field after 15-575 ~ 2100g ai / Chenopodiaceae, Chloris virgata, Polygonum convolvulus, Reptile Amaranthus and so on. 40 d after application, the fresh weight of annual weeds control more than 90%, the recommended dose of corn safety.