谈起投资中做“多”的买入资产和做“空”的卖出资产,很多投资者并不陌生。“多空”两字其实代表了投资者对资产价格未来走向的估量,多方认为价格将会上涨,而空方则预期下跌。作为成熟市场中的一个主流投资策略,多空策略(Long/Short Strategy)是采用买入某些资产,同时又卖空另一些资产的方式以控制风险,获取收益。在本期专栏中,我们将围绕多空策略的内涵和特征同广大投资者一起分析探讨。
Many investors are familiar with the buy-in of “more” investments and the sale of “empty” assets. The long and short term actually represents investors’ estimation of the future direction of asset prices. Many believe the price will rise while the short side is expected to fall. As a mainstream investment strategy in mature markets, Long / Short Strategy takes risks by controlling the risk by buying certain assets and shorting some others. In this column, we will focus on the connotation and characteristics of long and short strategy with the majority of investors together to analyze.