Development of Species-Specific PCR Primers and Sensitive Detection of the Tylenchulus semipenetrans

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jfm98999
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Tylenchulus semipenetrans is the most economically important and widespread nematode pest of citrus in China.rDNA-ITS of 14 populations of T.semipenetrans which were collected from different citrus groves or Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations in China were amplified and sequenced.The species-specific primers were designed for the first time to diagnosis T.semipenetrans based on the sequences of rDNA-ITS regions of geographic population above.The primers were sensitive to amplify the expected band size(297 bp) from DNA template of a single second-stage juvenile(J2) or different life stages of T.semipenetrans.No specific band was amplified from 15 non-target nematode species which were commonly found in citrus groves.Specificity and reliability of the primers were validated by further PCR amplification of 16 extra populations of T.semipenetrans collected from 4 provinces of China.The primers successfully detected a single J2 of T.semipenetrans within a whole nematode community comprising a large numbers of non-target nematode.The developed diagnostic technique can be used for accurate identification of T.semipenetrans and also as a decision tool for nematode management for citrus or Chinese fir in China. Tylenchulus semipenetrans is the most economically important and widespread nematode pest of citrus in China. RDNA-ITS of 14 populations of T. semipenetrans which were collected from different citrus groves or Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations in China were amplified and sequenced. Species -specific primers were designed for the first time to diagnosis T. semipensns based on the sequences of rDNA-ITS regions of geographic population. The primers were sensitive to amplify the expected band size (297 bp) from DNA template of a single second- stage juvenile (J2) or different life stages of T. semipensns. No specific band was amplified from 15 non-target nematode species which were commonly found in citrus groves. Specificity and reliability of the primers were further validated by further PCR amplification of 16 extra populations of T.semipenetrans collected from 4 provinces of China. The primers successfully detected a single J2 of T.semipenetrans within a whole nematode commun ity comprising a large numbers of non-target nematode. The developed diagnostic technique can be used for accurate identification of T. semipenetrans and also as a decision tool for nematode management for citrus or Chinese fir in China.
前言 糖尿病的组织机能障碍可联系到由于依赖单核细胞和巨噬细胞上的糖化血红蛋白终产物的特殊受体所致的免疫反应的改变有关。这项试验的目的在于确定那些可能与促进糖尿病
糖尿病肾病(DN)患者的肾图常有异常改变。笔者对42例DN肾图进行分析,以探讨其临床意义。 1.临床资料:42例DN患者(Ⅳ期27例,Ⅴ期15例)诊断按文献[1]。男15例,女27例,年龄21~82
<正> 1964年10月,山东省龙口市(原黄县)芦头镇韩栾村农民在村旁的中村河东岸黄土地上整修农田时,挖出铜鼎1件(图一),送交县文化馆。铜鼎现藏烟台市博物馆。鼎通高20.2、最大口径17.7厘米。圆口略呈三角形,平沿外折,方唇。圆角方形耳,分裆,柱足(图版柒:2;图二)。鼎腹及足部遍饰花纹。腹部纹饰从鼎腹分裆处分为三组相同的兽面纹,角外卷而下勾,圆目,大耳,宽鼻,张口,口角露二獠牙。兽面两侧各有一倒立的夔龙(图三:1)。足横断面近圆形,内
患者,男,36岁。因反复便血5年加重1天于1995年12月入院。该患者5年前无诱因的出现便血,1~2 Patient, male, 36 years old. Due to repeated 5-year increase in blood in the