现将我们收治的1例右侧丘脑出血后出现的肥大性下橄榄核变性(hypertrophic olivary degeneration,HOD)病例报道如下。1病历摘要男,60岁。因左侧肢体活动不灵,言语不清3 a,加重1周于2009-11-16入院。患者2006-07出现突发言语含糊不清,左侧肢体无力,行走不稳。入院检查头CT示右侧
We now report a case of hypertrophic olivary degeneration (HOD) following right thalamic hemorrhage reported as follows. 1 medical record summary male, 60 years old. Due to the left limb movement is not working, verbal illiterate 3 a, increased 1 week in 2009-11-16 admission. Patients with sudden speech in 2006-07 vague, weakness of the left limb, walking unsteady. Admission examination showed the right head CT