现代语文教学体系可以有三部分,即基础部分、思维部分和发展部分。基础对于一个人才的成长乃至未来的发展是至关重要的。任何一个时代,任何一个国家,任何一门学科,无不重视基础教学,这说明人们普遍地认识到了它的重要性。然而基础的内涵是什么?就语文学科而言,基础部分又有哪些分系统?应该如何界定?就我的眼力所及,现代语文教学体系中的基础部分合有四个分系统。 1、语文基础知识结构系统。 2、语文学习的基本能力系统。
Modern Chinese teaching system can have three parts, namely, the basic part, the thinking part and the development part. Fundamentals are crucial to the growth of a person and to the future. Any time, any country, any discipline, all attach importance to basic teaching, which shows that people generally recognize its importance. However, what is the connotation of the foundation? In terms of the language subject, what are the basic systems and how should they be defined? In my eyes, there are four subsystems in the modern Chinese teaching system. 1, the basic knowledge of the language structure system. 2, the basic ability of language learning system.