选购枕头您可千万不能只看外观美不美,起码有三个因素您必须考虑,那就是枕头的高度、硬度和弹性。枕头的高度以15—20厘米为宜。少年儿童的枕高一拳,侧睡时枕高一拳半。枕头过高或过低都对人体健康不利。特别要提醒长期伏案工作的人不要以为高枕无忧,过高的枕头会加重颈椎的负担。 枕头有一定的硬度,才有较好的支撑力,有益于健康。但过硬的枕头使头部与枕头接触面过少,压力
Pillow Buy You MUST NOT Just Look Out The Look The beauty is pretty, there are at least three factors you have to consider, that is the height, stiffness and elasticity of the pillow. Pillow height of 15-20 cm is appropriate. Pillow children’s high school punch, pillow high pillow punch half. Pillows are too high or too low are harmful to human health. In particular, to remind people who work long-term desk do not think of peace of mind, excessive pillow will increase the burden on the cervical spine. Pillows have a certain hardness, have better support, good for health. However, excellent pillow to the head and pillow contact surface too little, pressure