12月2日,我刚从日本讲学回来,便有人向我推荐了一篇公开发表的署名申明人的文章。题目是《博采众长铸辉煌--记阴阳八极拳功创始人赵福江》由于文章写的是天于八极拳方面的事情,我便认真拜读,文章中对赵福江先生“炉火纯青”的功夫写得淋漓尽致。对他的武德褒扬有嘉,尤其对他尊师重教的学风推崇备至,说对他的恩师,也就是指我父亲吴秀峰“奉师如父”。点睛之笔:“赵福江不但尽得吴师真传,近年来还对八极拳的一些不实之说提出质疑,进行考证辨析,作正本之论。” 申明人先生文中多次提到我父亲精纯的武功和高深的理论,我表示感谢,但把另
On December 2, just after I came back from Japan, someone suggested to me an article published by the affirmed person. The title is “Bocaizhongzhu brilliant - remember Yin and Yang Zhao Fuping founder of Bajiquan Gong” As the article is written in the day things in the Bajiquan, I would seriously read, the article on Mr. Zhao Fujiang Kung Fu wrote vividly. His commendation to Ward Kerry, in particular, respect for his respect for the academic style respected him, saying that his mentor, which means my father Wu Xiufeng “Feng teacher as the father.” The finishing touch: “Zhao Fujiang not only to do Wu true biography, in recent years also a number of false statements of the Baziquan questioned, textual analysis of discrimination, as the original theory.” My father’s pure martial arts and profound theory, I express my gratitude, but the other