对辽宁西部旱作农业土壤的主要问题进行分析。结果表明,该区土壤主要存在旱、薄、瘦三大问题,在有限的降水中,陆地蒸发和径流损失占总降水量的74.6%;不同作物农田土壤的平均耕层厚度为16.08 cm,比我国土壤平均耕层厚度(16.50 cm)低0.42 cm;按国家的土壤养分分级标准,辽宁西部旱农区多数旱地土壤的有机质、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾含量在5级以下,辽西土壤问题十分严峻。该区的土壤问题直接影响着粮食产量,从辽宁西部土壤环境入手,分析辽西旱地农业的主要问题,并找寻解决的方法,对辽西地区农业环境改善及经济增长有着指导性的意义。
The main problems of dry farming soil in western Liaoning are analyzed. The results show that there are mainly three problems of drought, thinning and thinning in this area. In the limited precipitation, the evaporation and runoff losses of land cover 74.6% of the total precipitation. The average layer thickness of soil in different crops is 16.08 cm, According to the national soil nutrient grading standards, the contents of organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in most of the dryland soil in the western Liaoning are below Grade 5, while in the western Liaoning, the soil layer thickness (16.50 cm) is 0.42 cm lower. Very serious. The soil problems in this area directly affect the grain yield. Starting from the soil environment in the west of Liaoning Province, it is of great significance to analyze the main problems of dryland agriculture in Liaoxi and to find ways to solve the problems. It is of guiding significance to the improvement of agricultural environment and economic growth in western Liaoning.