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我们身处一个变革的时代。作者在书中将这样一个时代称为数字时代。在这个时代,数字化浪潮一浪高过一浪,成为席卷一切、冲击一切的强大动力,具有摧枯拉朽的巨大力量。这个时代的文件与档案工作,由电子文件引发了史上革命性的变化。这种革命性的变化蕴含着很多:机遇、深藏着很多风险也制造了很多的难题……正如书中所言,当前电子文件在法律地位方面、长期保管方面、归档管理方面、安全方面都存在问题。这些问题影响了电子文件的长期保存,也使得许多作为档案永久留存的电子 We are in a time of change. The author calls such a time in the book the digital age. In this era, the wave of digitization wave after wave, becoming sweeping all, a powerful driving force for all, with the tremendous power of curse. The file and file work of this era triggered a revolutionary change in history from electronic documents. There are many such revolutionary changes: opportunities, deep risks and many difficult problems ... As stated in the book, the current electronic documents are very important in terms of legal status, long-term custody, archival management, and security There is a problem. These issues have affected the long-term preservation of electronic documents and have also led to many of the electronic records permanently retained