Since 1968, Stem borer began to increase in the western part of the western region. In 1969, 41% of dead parts of maize field and 51% of white spike rice. In order to subdue Sesamia inferens and ensure the increase of agricultural output, a research team composed of peasants, cadres and plant protection workers was established in 1970. In the past three years, the team conducted a systematic investigation of Sesamia inferens, indoor rearing and pesticide tests, initially detecting the occurrence of Sesamia inferens and proposing corresponding methods of measurement and control measures to effectively control Sesamia inferens. In 1972, the rate of damage to corn by the Sesamia inferers in the whole region was 1.3%. The dry heart rate of rice in the second and third generations was 0.6% and 0.08% respectively. However, Respectively, up 11.3%, 2.7%, 0.4%. The first generation of Sesamia inferees The first generation of Sesamia in May and June, the main damage to corn. The local Sesamia inferens larvae in the rice stubs overwinter, part of the spring after the transfer of three wheat, resulting in dry heart and white spike. In early April most of the larvae began to pupate.