当今世界,大地的光明几乎都来源于人类的伟大创造物——电;从事电业的劳动者们便当之无愧地享有“光明使者”的称号。中国江苏省盐城市供电局的“光明使者”们,数十年如一日地承担着该地区六县一市二区的供电任务,作出了卓越的贡献。盐城市供电局属国有大型二档供电企业,居国有大型工业企业第406位,拥有固定资产3.4亿元,35 KV~220KV 变电所95座,主变容量208.08万千伏安,送电线路长度为2770.6公里,年供电量27.3亿千瓦时,售电量为25亿千瓦时,全年电销售收入33379.56万元,利税3281.7万元;在为广大用户奉献服务的同时,该局自身也得到了长足发展.1983年该局荣获全国电力企业治理整顿先进单位光荣称号。
In today’s world, the light of the earth is almost all derived from the great creation of mankind - electricity; the laborers in the electrical industry deservedly deserve the title of “bright envoys.” The “bright envoys” of the Yancheng Power Supply Bureau in Jiangsu Province, China, have been responsible for power supply in six counties, one city and two districts in the region for decades, and have made outstanding contributions. The Yancheng Power Supply Bureau is a state-owned large-scale second-tier power supply company, ranking 406th in state-owned large-scale industrial enterprises. It has 340 million yuan in fixed assets, 95 35-220KV substations, and has a capacity of 2.0.208 million kVA for transmission lines. With a length of 2770.6 kilometers and an annual power supply of 2.73 billion kWh, the electricity sales amounted to 2.5 billion kwh. The annual electricity sales revenue was 333,795,600 yuan and the profit and tax was 32.817 million yuan. At the same time as providing services for customers, the bureau also got its own In 1983, the bureau won the honorable title of National Electric Power Enterprise Governance and Reorganization.