The demise of the Kowloon City dwelling by the British Hong Kong Government in early 1948 once again triggered the Sino-British negotiations on the sovereignty of Kowloon City and triggered a wave of protests by the people in the Mainland against the British authorities. Guangzhou set up a diplomatic and supportive association for all employees of various sectors of the government in Kowloon and held a massive protest march. Faced with the indignation of the people, the CC, headed by Gao Xin, director of the Guomindang’s Guangzhou Municipal Party Department, sought to seize political capital and organized a high-profile meeting to organize and lead demonstrations in various sectors of Guangzhou in order to prevent the underground party from taking the opportunity. However, as various local factions in Guangdong lined up and the parties did not cooperate, the demonstrations eventually became uncontrollable and led to the incident of Shamian burning the British Consulate General in Guangdong, leaving the national government to be passive in diplomacy.