明代文论家王世贞始终没有把握文学的真正精神 ,他的文论完全就是一种模拟。在文学创作中 ,模拟跟模仿是完全不同的两种理论。模仿论是对文学创作规律的正确认识 ,而模拟则会使文学脱离现实 ,对文学产生消极影响。模拟的实质是剽窃 ,不仅王世贞文论所反对的“痕迹宛然”的模拟不应存在 ,而且任何意义上的模拟都不值得提倡。
Ming Dynasty literary critic Wang Shizhen has never mastered the true spirit of literature, his literary theory is exactly a simulation. In literary creation, imitation and imitation are two completely different theories. Imitation theory is the correct understanding of the law of literary creation, while the simulation will make literature from reality, negative impact on literature. The essence of the simulation is plagiarism. Not only is the simulation of “traces of a trace” which Wang Shizhen opposed to literary theory should not exist, and no simulation in any sense is worth promoting.