中国药学会-施维雅青年药物化学奖是由中国药学会与法国施维雅研究院共同设立,每年评选一次,旨在鼓励我国优秀青年药物化学工作者立足于国内,致力于新药研究。设奖十八年来,有力推动了优秀青年药物化学工作者的健康成长和科学发展。第十九届奖项推荐评选工作已经开始,现将有关事宜通知如下。根据本奖设奖宗旨和药物化学学科发展实际情况,2016年奖励原则为:面向全国奖励5名从事药物化学研究的青年学者,获奖者每人可获得奖金22 000元人民币、奖杯和证书。
The Chinese Pharmacopoeia-Schweryer Young Medicinal Chemistry Prize, co-founded by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and the French Schweitzer Institute, is selected once a year to encourage outstanding young Chinese drug chemists to focus on new drug research based in China. In the past 18 years, the prize has promoted the healthy growth and scientific development of outstanding young drug chemists. The Nineteenth Prize Recommended Selection has started, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows. According to the award prizes and the actual conditions of the development of pharmaceutical chemistry, the principle of reward in 2016 is: 5 scholarships for young scholars in pharmaceutical chemistry will be awarded to the whole nation. Each winner will receive RMB 22,000 prize, trophy and certificate.