Serving customers with turn-key exhibition service

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  As a turn-key exhibition service supplier, Hangzhou JR Exhibition Company ( “JR Exhibition” hereafter) was founded 12 years ago and has been adhering to the business philosophy of "promoting customer success" to provide customers with a full range of exhibition service. As of October 2017, the company has served more than 6,000 clients, directly or indirectly contributing to a total turnover of ten billion RMB each year.
  Constructing a turn-key exhibition service system based on customer demand
  As a turn-key service providers, Hangzhou JR Exhibition Company provides an integrated service system covering all the sectors of the exhibition industry chain. According to Cal Zhou, Vice General Manager Exhibition Service Provider Group Department of the company, from the very beginning, JR Exhibition positioned itself as a professional exhibition service provider. Over the years, in the process of constantly upgrading service, the company found that the majority of exhibitors demand for diverse exhibition service, and only by building a "comprehensive and organic" exhibition ecological service system can it be possible to provide service of higher quality, and thus, in reaction to customer demands, JR Exhibition has been expanding the business scope.
  Enterprise positioning determines business content. Under the concept of providing turn-key service, JR Exhibition developed an extensive scope of exhibition service. Today, it has formed three major business segments, namely exhibition services, exhibition design, and exhibition organization, covering a series of exhibition services including exhibition organization, business travel, transportation, construction, exhibits logistics, and visa application, and in this way has been able to meet customer demand promptly. In the future, Zhou reveals, the company will continue to respond to customer demand and create value for them with quality integrated service.
  JR Exhibition has also been expanding in the industry sectors of its overseas exhibition business as an agent, following the demand of exhibitors to enter new industry markets abroad. For example, in recent years, because of the overlapping of automobile and motorcycle accessories and agricultural machinery and the market orientation from domestic to export in these industries, existing exhibitors from the automobile and motorcycle accessories started to show the intention in participating in agricultural machinery exhibitions. Based on market demand and precise insight into the future of overseas market, JR Exhibition began to organize automobile and motorcycle accessories exhibitors to participate in machinery exhibitions, and successively launched the agent service for logistics and hardware exhibitions. All these proved well received by the clients. Zhou said that in the future the company will launch the exhibition services in the power electronics and building materials, due to the demands of exhibitors in lighting industry.   In regards to the distribution of exhibition area, in addition to traditional markets such as the US and Europe, the company has been committed to the development of Southeast Asia, Africa and South America exhibition market. In terms of auto and motorcycle accessories exhibitions, the company was the first Chinese exhibition agent to develop the now particularly popular markets of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and other relevant countries, and in the past two years, ventured into Tanzania, Ethiopia and other African markets. In South America, from the initial Panama to the current Columbia, Peru, and the latest Ecuador in 2017, the markets scope of JR Exhibition has been well recognized by exhibitors. Zhou said that viewed from the current development trend, the next two years, the Southeast Asian market, in North Africa and South America will gain rising exhibitors attention, and this will be company’s markets for further cultivating.
  Information technology enhances operation efficiency
  The application of information technology in the MICE industry is becoming a trend. Zhou believes that the current exhibition industry for digital applications is mainly on product display and initial data analysis of buyers and exhibitors. As a professional exhibition service, JR Exhibition has been committed to the application of information technology in business operation to enhance operation efficiency.
  Zhou told the reporter that JR Exhibition set up a purposely-built information center for research and development from the early days, and has been using an OA operation system dedicated for MICE companies to enhance efficiency and the exhibition sales software CRM customer relationship management system for exhibitor behavior analysis. “Only by differentiating the behavior habits of the exhibitors and analyzing the future trends, we can better grasp the future changes and development direction of the exhibition industry in the constantly changing economic environment." Zhou observes. Zhou also revealed that apart from the internal operation systems, JR Exhibition is launching an on-line information platform, and will use information technology channels to enhance the efficiency of the docking process with customers. Zhou believes that, as a whole, the MICE industry is still a relatively traditional service industry and mainly relies on human resources to provide the corresponding value. But human- oriented means that in the future it will face a biggest problem - labor costs rising. Therefore, enterprises should try to use information technology to improve operational efficiency.“The application of science and technology not only can effectively reduce costs, but it also is the most important means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises." Zhou concludes.   Long term investment to build individual employee IP
  When asked about talents retain and cultivation, Zhou said that all the main competition between enterprises can be summed up as talents competition, but possessing talents does not refer to that the company hires talented people directly from recruitment, but that the enterprise has the ability to train ordinary people to be outstanding staff. The real gap of college graduates begins to form after recruitment. Zhou shared the enterprise personnel training strategy of JR Exhibition.
  First of all, enterprises should really acknowledge the future value of talents training, which is a cyclical investment and the return of this investment is sometimes not easily seen. Some companies prefer to"grab and use", and ignore talents training, but this is not conducive to the continuity of enterprise talents.
  On this basis, there must be a clear-set personnel training system, to cover the comprehensive dimensions for talents cultivation including training on work content, work skills, work cognition and work ethics. At the same time, JR Exhibition’s experience is that the enterprise personnel training system must be updated with the changes of the times and the individual employee’s age and experience.
  In addition, it is very important to endow people with unique orientation and help each employee set up his personal IP. Zhou said that as a company, in recent years, JR Exhibition has been committed to delivering to its customer the image of a trusted company. In the same way, it is also important that individual employee also needs to pass his or her unique IP to customers, for example, very professional or especially considerate. "We always feel that every employee has his or her own customer group. Based on the employees’ personal awareness of their own advantages, building a personal IP and enhancing contacts with customers is very important for employees." Zhou said.
  From the point of view of enterprises, Zhou added that the development of the enterprise itself will experience different stages. On the basis of the existing scale, a company with sustainable trend is more favored by talented people and can better meet the employees’ demands for career development and ability growth, and JR Exhibition on its way to turn-key exhibition services company is attracting more talents into this family.
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