先说几句题外话。 有些烹调师读书、报、杂志,凡涉及烹饪者,只对烹调工艺感兴趣,一及于文史及科技就厌烦了。这不好,烹饪是一门学问,大学问,博大精深。光讲究工艺,似乎很实惠,其实很浅薄。21世纪是知识经济世纪,烹调师也应当是知识型的,不能仍是“劳动密集型”。这对中青年烹调师尤为重要。 文史是知识范畴的组成部分。以史为鉴,可知兴替。凡不懂者要学而习之,不耻下问,以继承过去,开拓未来。也有种空头科学家胡说什么谈历史就是封建主义,别有用心,切勿上当。
Let me talk a few words first. Some cooks study books, newspapers and magazines. Those who are involved in cooking are only interested in cooking techniques. They are tired of literature and history and science and technology. This is not good, cooking is a science, the university asked, broad and profound. Light pay attention to technology, it seems very affordable, in fact, very shallow. The 21st century is the century of knowledge-based economy. Cooks should also be knowledge-based and can not remain “labor-intensive.” This is particularly important for young and middle-aged cooks. Literary history is an integral part of the category of knowledge. Learn from history, we can see the rise and fall. Who do not understand who should learn and learn, not ashamed to ask, in order to inherit the past, open up the future. There are also short-type scientists nonsense talking about history is feudalism, ulterior motives, do not be fooled.