序目:故宫太和殿 黄昏外夕阳西下,在余辉的映照下,大殿威严壮观。殿前广场寂静、空旷。传来胡公公低沉的画外音:“我小时候,做梦都想着长大了做官住进宫里来。后来真进了宫,也不是想象中那么快活舒服。有时闹不好真的把脑袋都栓在裤腰带上。不管你信不信,有一回,真是千古最难办的事偏偏让我给碰上了。”鼓乐齐鸣,推出片名《皇后找对象》。顺序显出职员表。
Order: The Imperial Palace Taihe Temple sunset outside the setting sun, in the aftermath of the map, the magnificent majestic hall. Temple square quiet, open. Hu Gonggong came down the voiceless voice: “When I was a kid, I grew up thinking about growing up to live in the palace official. Later, I really entered the palace, not so happy and comfortable imagination. Sometimes trouble really bad head Tied to the belt belt Believe it or not, one time, it is really the most difficult thing to do in eternity, let me give it a run. ”Drums chime, the title of the film released“ queen find the object. ” The order shows the staff table.