利用聚集度指标检验和比较频次法对白三叶草Trifolium repens生长期间西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis的空间分布型变化进行研究,结果如下:聚集度指标检验分析表明西花蓟马在白三叶草上的空间分布为聚集分布;利用频次拟合分析表明白三叶草上大部分生长期内其分布型为负二项分布,其聚集程度与虫口密度有关系,其空间分布不会因为一些人为干扰而改变。
Spatial distribution patterns of Frankliniella occidentalis during the growth of white clover (Trifolium repens) were studied by the degree of aggregation test and the comparative frequency method. The results were as follows: The test of degree of aggregation showed that the spatial distribution of F. occidentalis on white clover was The results of frequency fitting analysis showed that the distribution pattern of white clover was negative binomial during most of the growth period. The degree of aggregation was related to the population density of insects, and its spatial distribution would not change due to some human interference.