
来源 :财经界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mohang
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我国民营企业不断发展壮大,在国民经济中的地位不容小觑,自次贷危机以来,全球经济形势放缓,民营企业的发展遇到了新的挑战,特别是中小民营企业面融资现状不容乐观,普遍缺乏发展资金,错失很多发展机会,甚至导致相当数量中小民营企业的经营失败,融资成为制约民营企业发展的一大瓶颈。解决民营企业发展中的融资难题,是进一步发挥民营经济作用的关键所在。所以本文就中小民营企业融资的现状进行了分析和研究并提出了切实可行的改善中小民营企业融资环境的对策,以期能够引起更多专业人士的关心和重视,进而在有效的改善中小民营企业融资中存在问题的基础上促进中小民营企业实现更好更快的发展和进步。 Since the subprime mortgage crisis, the global economic situation has slowed down and the development of private-owned enterprises has encountered new challenges. In particular, the current situation of financing for small and medium-sized private-owned enterprises is not optimistic, The general lack of funds for development, missed many opportunities for development, and even led to the failure of a considerable number of small and medium-sized private enterprises operating in the business, financing has become a major bottleneck restricting the development of private enterprises. Solving the financing problems in the development of private-owned enterprises is the key to further developing the role of the private economy. Therefore, this paper analyzes the status quo of financing for small and medium-sized private enterprises and put forward countermeasures to improve the financing environment for small and medium-sized private enterprises in order to arouse the concern and attention of more professionals, and then effectively improve the financing of small and medium private enterprises Based on the existing problems to promote small and medium-sized private enterprises to achieve better and faster development and progress.
With a headlamp attached to his fore-head, 22-year-old Zhang Zhaohua is a regular at a park in Zhengzhou, capital city of central China’s Henan Province, after
5月28日,绮丽·创谷服装文化创意产业园奠基仪式在山东莒县举行。中国服装协会常务副会长陈大鹏、专职副会长杨金纯,山东省服装行业协会会长刘建国、日照市人大常委会副主任郑玉霞、日照市副市长郇梅等领导出席了活动,北京东方绮丽服装服饰有限公司总裁王涛与莒县县长费立志参与了签约仪式。  莒地历史悠久,曾是春秋时期莒国都城所在地,“勿忘在莒”的典故就出于此。莒文化与齐文化、鲁文化并称山东三大文化。郇梅表示,建
审美究竟是人作为类的一种自我确认 ,如马克思在《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》所指出的 ,抑或一种对自我的忘却或超越 ,如中国禅宗所神往的虚空之境 ,如现代主义诗人T .S .艾略特
本创新采用软件模拟的方法,对景观场地的微环境绩效进行数字化模拟,使其定量化、可视化、可评价化.创新采用ecotect analysis和weather tool软件模拟了微环境气候因子,并经过