黄连木Pistacia chinensis多年生落叶乔木,种子富含油脂,含油率高达30%~40%;深根性,主根发达,抗干旱,耐瘠薄。阿月浑子(开心果)P.vera原产中亚和西亚的干旱、半干旱荒漠区。为漆树科黄连木属的经济和生态兼用树种,主产区的环境条件与新疆喀什相似。新疆喀什地区林业技术推广站(林科所)研究阿月浑子十多年,发现阿月浑子本砧嫁接培育良种苗造林后,存在易染根茎腐烂病的问题,造成其定植后保存率较低的情况。为了解决这一问题,特从河北省引进黄连木种子进行
Pistacia chinensis Pistacia chinensis perennial deciduous trees, seeds rich in oil, oil content as high as 30% to 40%; deep root, developed root, drought-resistant barren. Pistachio (pistachio) P.vera Originated in arid and semi-arid desert areas of Central and Western Asia. As the tree branch Coptis economic and ecological use of tree species, the main producing areas of environmental conditions and Xinjiang Kashgar similar. Xinjiang Kashgar Forestry Extension Station (Linke) to study pistachio for more than 10 years, found pistachio rootstock grafting fine seedling afforestation, there is easy to dye root rot disease, resulting in its preservation after planting Lower rates. In order to solve this problem, especially from the introduction of Pistacia seed in Hebei Province