中医治病的效果,不仅取决于医生的诊断和方剂的准确与否,也与中药的配方及药品质量有很大关系,现将配方过程中存在的问题对疗效的影响简述如下:1 配方漏药对疗效的影响 中药方剂的组成不是药物简单的凑合,也不是药效相加,而是医师在辩证论治的基础上,按照组方原则,药物相互协调,共同配合而发挥治疗作用,每一味药都具有它特殊的作用。如果处方不能配全或遗漏药味,那么整个方剂的格局就会发生变化,临床疗
The effect of TCM treatment depends not only on the diagnosis and prescription of the doctor, but also on the formulation of traditional Chinese medicine and the quality of the medicine. The effects of the problems in the formulation process on the curative effect are briefly described as follows: 1 Formulation The effect of drug leakage on the efficacy of Chinese medicine prescriptions is not a simple combination of drugs, it is not the sum of efficacy, but the doctor on the basis of dialectical treatment, according to the principle of the group, the drugs are coordinated with each other, and play a therapeutic role together. Each flavor has its special role. If the prescription cannot be dispensed with or missed, the pattern of the entire prescription will change.