合理应用植物生长调节剂对棉花进行化学调控,可以协调棉花的生长发育,达到提高产量、改善品质、促进早熟、增加效益的目的。几种植物生长调节剂在棉花上的调控作用及使用方法如下。 一、 苗期育壮苗 在营养钵育苗的实践中,因苗床肥水条件好,密度大和培育的时间过长等原因
The rational application of plant growth regulators to cotton chemical regulation, can coordinate the growth and development of cotton, to improve yield, improve quality, promote premature, and increase efficiency. Several plant growth regulators in cotton regulation and use of the following methods. First, the seedling seedling In the practice of nutrition bowl nursery seedlings, fertilizer and water conditions for the seedbed is good, the density and breeding time is too long and other reasons